Lexington's Lair of Visions

Art, Spirit and Biography

by Transgriffin

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Tyceus - 2021

Tyceus 2021

Shaded version of Tyceus. This took a long, long time. I experimented a bit further with colored light and soft shading.

The parts where the character has frosted fur tips were confusing to shade/highlight, because the frosting looks like highlights on its own.

But all in all, I am very pleased with this.

The shiny scales effect was an extra I threw in that cost me a lot of effort, but was absolutely worth it. I am very pleased with it.

For those who are familiar with SigmaX, their tutorial for scale effects is amazing. (For those not familiar, here's your BIG NSFW WARNING)

© 2023 Lexington's Lair of Visions

The Gender Dysphoria Bible

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